Monday 19 August 2013

IRW 2013

Once again the annual trip to Scotland for the International Rocket Week came round quicker than planned. Actually, due to a problem booking the venue, IRW actually was a week earlier than normal. 

Weather was a bit windy all week, but still plenty of flights were made. I flew just the Saucer about 3 times on a D12. Nearly flew the VB Extreme and Black Brant, but the wind was a bit too strong for my liking. Since we were combining IRW with a mountain-biking trip in Aviemore the following week, I'd not really brought many rockets along to fly. Next year IRW will be rockets only.

Rainer from Estonia turned up, built a rocket and flew it a couple of times there. Is now in my possession, and I may swap the ridiculously large parachute for a more sensible streamer.

Fastest flight of the week was probably Howard's Fat Boy on a Pro24.

A selection of photos from the week. The rest can be found here.