Tuesday 31 December 2013

Photo Every Week 2013

Decided to stick with one photo every week for 2013, as well as at least one photo every bike ride. Maybe I'll do one photo every day again in 2014.

My favourite photos of the month during 2013 are below:

Jan: Burg Frankenstein

Feb: Dolomites

Mar: Stadtkirche

Apr: Stream

May: Famine Memorial

Jun: Natural History Museum

Jul: Slowworm

Aug: Steel is Real

Sep: Waldkunst

Oct: Summit

Nov: Moss

Dec: (seems I have no pics?)

There is also a full slideshow of all photos in the photo-a-week challenge.

Sunday 6 October 2013

ALRS 2013

The second part of the German long weekend (after a MTB trip) was my first attendance for a few years at the ALRS rocketry launch event, not far from Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Only really flew a few small rockets (saucer and qubit, etc.), although there were a decent number of HPR flights. I really must sort out my HPR kit and rockets again, and start flying them more.

Flight Log:
  • Black Brant (D12-7)
  • 7" Saucer (D12-0)

More photos here...

Friday 4 October 2013

MTB Switzerland

Due to a long weekend in Germany, I combined a quick MTB trip with the ALRS rocketry event in Switzerland.

On the Friday, I did one of the published MTB riding loops, in the Swiss Jura, starting and ending in Saignelégier, not too far from Neuchatel.

Although it was in the hills, it is pretty much up on a plateau, and reasonably easy ride. Mostly on road, track, and farm fields. Total distance was only about 43km, and a GPS track is on my Endomondo log.

More pics here...

Sunday 25 August 2013

MTB Scotland 2013

Following the usual trip to the International Rocket Week, 3 of us headed north to Aviemore for a week of mountain-biking in the Cairngorms.

Day 1
We drove up from Paisley on the Monday morning, to the Aviemore SYHA, and after checking in, went for a quite ride out round the Rothiemurcus estate. This was just a quick ride up and round Loch Morlich, and back down the old Logging Way to Aviemore.

Day 2
On the first full day we did the Burma Road loop again, but with a few small changes to last time. It starts with a steep landrover track ascent, then a fast descent in to a quiet valley.  Then a ride along the valley, where we saw only 2 people and 1 dog.  On the way back, instead of riding back along the main road in to Aviemore, we sussed out a track that lead to the Speyside path, alongside the steam railway line, which is much more pleasant!

Day 3
On the 3rd day, we rode via Loch Mor, Loch an Eilein, and Loch Gamhna, which then lead to some fantastic singletrack. When the path says "Unmaintained", we weren't sure if that meant it would be ace riding or lead to nowhere, or a bog. But it turned out to be ace! After that was some easy fire roads, and an unmissable stop at the Inshriach Nursery Potting Shed tea room for coffee and cake. Excellent cake it was too (as usual).

Day 4
We took a day out from riding, so drove up to the Ski carpark, and then walked up the Coire Cas "blue" path and then the Traverse up to the Cairn Gorm visitor centre. It would have been rude to turn around there, so we carried on up to the summit of Cairn Gorm. I'd like to say the views were stunning, but it was mostly in cloud by then! My first Munro! We took the funicular back down again to save walking.

Day 5
On the final day, we rode out to Loch Eaniach. This was a long mostly easy trail up a valley to the loch at the end, but with several fords to ford. Some were merely a watersplash, but others were quite substantial. Probably not the best route to take if it has rained a lot, but it was fine for us. Just overcast and cloudy.  The weather at the loch was quite a strong breeze, and rather bleak, but my understanding that is quite normal due to the geography. On the way back we repeated part of the first day's loop around Loch Morlich and back down to Aviemore.

All of the other photos can be found here.

Monday 19 August 2013

IRW 2013

Once again the annual trip to Scotland for the International Rocket Week came round quicker than planned. Actually, due to a problem booking the venue, IRW actually was a week earlier than normal. 

Weather was a bit windy all week, but still plenty of flights were made. I flew just the Saucer about 3 times on a D12. Nearly flew the VB Extreme and Black Brant, but the wind was a bit too strong for my liking. Since we were combining IRW with a mountain-biking trip in Aviemore the following week, I'd not really brought many rockets along to fly. Next year IRW will be rockets only.

Rainer from Estonia turned up, built a rocket and flew it a couple of times there. Is now in my possession, and I may swap the ridiculously large parachute for a more sensible streamer.

Fastest flight of the week was probably Howard's Fat Boy on a Pro24.

A selection of photos from the week. The rest can be found here.

Monday 3 June 2013

Slovakia and Austria

Been to Austria loads of times before, but never Slovakia. Since there was yet another long weekend in Germany this May, I thought I'd pay a flying visit to Bratislava. Stayed in Vienna, since there's a direct train there, and then there is an hourly train service between there and Bratislava.

Bratislava Castle

"UFO" Bridge (Novy Most)

St. Stephens

Unfortunately of the few days, only one day was nice weather. The rest was dreadful rain, enough to cause massive flooding of the Danube and Vltava rivers and various tributories of them. I was lucky though, with the return train journey not affected by floods at all, even though we saw plenty of rather destructive floods very close by.

The complete set of photos can be found here... https://picasaweb.google.com/104347553800437592244/SlovakiaAndAustria

Sunday 12 May 2013


May is one of those months where we get lots and lots of public holidays in Germany (4, plus 2 extra days off where the holiday is a Thursday), so I made good use of it by catching a plane to Dublin.
Weather was forecast to be rather naff, but in the end it was generally sunny and windy, but with lots of short squally showers every so often. All in all, not too bad, but was glad I'd packed the Goretex jacket.

Day 1
Instead of doing the usual touristy things in the city, I took a couple of days out to do some walking in the hills. The first day was a walk from Shankhill through a few small forests to the Scalp, a remnant of glacial action. The walk was basically along the Dublin Mountain Way, with a few diversions on other waymarked trails. I found this walk on Everytrail.

Great Sugar Loaf

Barnaslingan Forest

The Scalp

Corrickgollogan Lead Mine

Day 2
The second day was forecast to be a bit sunnier, so I took a trip to the seaside, and did a longer walk round Howth. This started of easy, with lots of German tourists about, but the path gets a bit rockier further round. Then after most paths take a shortcut back to Howth village, the "purple" route I took carries on round further and gets a bit more technical still. Eventually it turns in land, over a golf course fairway and back to Howth.

Howth Harbour

Howth Cliffs

Nearly a Beach

Aideen's Dolmen

Day 3
On the last day I had a good nose around Dublin city centre and some of the parks. Weather was more squally showers so was handy to be able to go inside in a hurry. Plus the WiFi let me check in online for the return flight, and blag a decent seat :)

The Spire

Famine Memorial

Another Famine Memorial

James Joyce
The comlete set of photos can be seen here... https://picasaweb.google.com/104347553800437592244/Ireland

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Skiing in the Dolomites (again)

Once more it was off to Arabba for the annual snowHeads Birthday Bash pilgrimage to the Dolomites. My 5th time there, and similar to previous years, I drove down and stayed in Innsbruck, before driving the last 2 hours on arrival day and managing to get in a few hours on the slopes before most of the others turned up.

Day 1 was just a few lifts and runs over to Corvara on arrival day.

Day 2 was the first of 3 trips over to Santa Croce. Went down the Red to La Villa, instead of the Alta Badia Gran Risa WC GS course this time. As usual, the scenery was stunning.

Day 3 was the first of a few long hard days. Skied with Ronald et al mostly on Race Slalom skis over to Pozza di Fassa. Every time I'd been the Alba, the link over to Pozza had been closed due to weather, so this was new Dolomites territory for me. GPS stats said about 97km all in (52km skied) - would have been nice to hit the 100km.

See the route on endomondo.

Day 4 was a nice easy relaxed Sella Ronda orange (clockwise) loop.

Day 5 again ended up as a nice easy relaxed day out to Santa Croce again.

Day 6 was another long fast day with the guys on Race Slalom skis again, also venturing in to new territory for me. This time was rush round the Sella Ronda orange, down the Saslong Val Gardena WC DH in to Santa Cristina, then up to Seceda, speed down the long (10km?) run to Ortisei. There we grabbed a quick taxi ride across town to the Seiseralm lifts, then did the Seiseralm / Alpe di Siusi loop before grabbing the bus to Monte Pana. This then links back in to the Sella Ronda. A couple of black runs on Portovescovo before being chased off the mountain by piste patrol finished the day off nicely. Oh and checked off the 100km in a day too :) (just over 60km skied, total GPS distance of 106km, and 29 lifts).

See the route on endomondo.

Day 7 skied mostly with Ronald, basically playing in the Edelweiss Valley practising 1 foot skiing on the wrong (ie little toe) edge of the skis, then headed over to Selva to play on the Val Gardena WC DH run again.

Day 8 was the last day, again with Ronald and Degage we headed over to Santa Croce one last time before heading back to Innsbruck in the afternoon.

All the photos can be found here.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Skiing Zillertal

Just a quick 2 day trip, since it was a long wait from the sH Pre-Season bash in early December until the Birthday Bash in February.  Plus I wanted to practice a few of the things we'd covered in Tignes (bumps mainly), and I'd wanted to re-visit Zell am Ziller and ski over to Gerlos.

Day 1: Zell am Ziller and Gerlos

See the route on endomondo.

Day 2: Kaltenbach

See the route on endomondo.

All of the photos from Obertauern, Tignes, and Zillertal are in one album.