Tuesday 1 September 2009

IRW 2009

August saw my 17th annual trip to Largs, Scotland for the essential International Rocketry Week. Weather was a bit iffy all week, but there were still enough breaks in the weather to fly up on Fairlie Moor.
First flight of the week was my Qubit on a D11-P, for a live broadcast on Radio Scotland. Then on various days, the Art Applewhite Saucer (7inch version) saw much action mainly with Phil's and Mike's Microhybrids, plus one of Mike's spare Aerotech E15's, while the Qubit used up some more of my Estes D11's.

Didn't fly any HPR, mainly due to the wind, but it was fun to watch the Dutch guys fly a rather small rocket on a K550 to 15,000ft+ and then have to recover it from 2 valleys away! Oh and another rocket ending up in the reservoir, only to be retrieved a few days later by boat.

Complete picture album can be found here: