Monday 31 August 2015

IRW 2015

For the first time in many many years I actually flew to the International Rocket Week, rather than catch the ferry. After the event I planned to visit the lake district for a few days walking.

Like last year, it appears that quadcopters were becoming more of a thing, this year with Phil trying to get a tri-copter with tilting yaw motor working. It crashed several times, broke many parts, but since the arms were 10mm x 10mm wood and the body just a couple of bits of ply, a trip to B+Q kept that running until the ESCs failed.

Up on the moor, the weather was fantastic, when we finally got there.

I didn't fly much, since I'd flown over and had no luggage space for rockets, so started to build an uprated Estes Big Daddy for higher power motors than intended. Since I had the original motor mount left over, I decided to make a spool rocket from it. It flies really well with a D12 motor (the original motor designed for the entire rocket!) despite looking totally unaerodynamic. Then I flew it with one of Phil's old Aerotech E30 motors. That seemed to warp in to another dimension, but was still found on landing and returned.