Sunday 5 October 2014

ALRS 2014

Once again, my last rocketry event of the year was a trip down to Switzerland for the ALRS launch. I didn't fly all that much, but definitely flew the Art Applewhite Saucer (probably on an D12), and the Thargoid foamboard model on an Aerotech E15-W motor. Pretty impressive flying foamboard saucers etc. on such meaty little AP motors :)

I really ought to do an upscale of my trusty Estes Black Brant some time...

With upscale flame effects of course...

Meanwhile, Juerg (or was it somebody else?) was demonstrating that a single canted outboard motor is perfectly OK for a safe flight, so long as it is canted to point through the CG, and sized with enough thrust to propel the rocket to a stable flight speed.