Tuesday 26 August 2014

IRW 2014

So it's August again, and that means another trip to Scotland for the annual International Rocket Weekend. This would be my 22nd attendance out of 23 events, if my sums are correct.

Arrived on the Monday (the week before the English bank holiday), and when pitching the tent, for once there were zero midges. Not a single one. Weather for most of the week was excellent - sunny but breezy, with the only rain being overnight once. The last day was superb weather, not even needing a jacket since the wind was so calm.

One day was mostly filming with the first of 3 crews, although I think there were some smaller models also flown. I flew the saucer a total of 4 times over the week on D12-0, D12-0, D12-5 and finally on a Pro24 E22 Smoky Sam for its 40th flight. That E22 was much faster than I imagined, and I'd purposefully chosen the "slowest" Pro24 motor too.

I've also been building a Thargoid ship from the Elite computer game, made from foamboard, similar to the Qubit. That got flown on a D12-5. Then I flew the VB Extreme 29 on a D12-5 too, and the Loc Legacy on an Pro29 F36-7 Blue Streak motor. The ejection on that was rather meaty, and caused the motor retainer to be ripped clean off the motor tube! The motor and retainer fell and landed in the ground not far away. Not sure how to rebuild that, since there's no external motor tube left now to attach another retainer!

The Landward programme from one of the Scottish TV channels was also filming one day, and for the weekend, a couple of girls from the Vice Media "Motherboard" channel on Youtube were also filming. Pretty sure I must be in that one. Will update this entry with a link when the show goes out.

It also seems that quad- and hexa-copters have caught on big time too. Between the various participants, there was at least a Parrot AR-Drone 2, a DJI F440 quad and a F550 hex. The latter crashed twice. Impressively stable even in the stiff breeze, but it didn't like something. Possibly hitting the GPS Return to Home when at an altitude below that of the home location? No damage at all on the first crash, but the second caused the legs, one or 2 arms and some propellers to break. I am definitely going to buy one though!

Here are a selection of other photos from the week. More can be found here.