Monday 26 November 2012

Ski Amade

So it's the end of October, Graham says he has 2 days of leave to use up, then Nicky says "ditto", and then well so do I.  Thought that would be the end of it, but within a few days we'd booked a trip to Radstadt in Austria to sneak in a quick warm-up ski trip before the snowHeads Pre-Season Bash, with Pete, Jamie and another Graham along for good measure.

I sussed out that there's a train direct from Darmstadt to Radstadt, once per day, so booked that on there and then.  Rather convenient being able to get to a ski resort with no changes, no airport carriage charges and no autobahn jams.

We stayed at Haus Susanne run by even more snowHeads, where some of the others had stayed previously, in winter and summer. From there the best option, given that it was still November, was to drive 15 minutes up to Obertauern for the skiing.

The rental car, brand new, blacked out windows, 7speed automatic, full screen satnav:

The crew - Graham, Jamie, Pete, Nicky, who's hiding behind Angela, and Graham:

And proof that Austria is not too low to snow:

All skiing pics for 2012-2013 are here: