Sunday 16 September 2012

IRW 2012

Well doesn't August come round again so quickly?  It certainly doesn't seem like a year since the last IRW, but the calendar doesn't lie.  This year was my 20th attendance, out of a total of 21 IRWs, and like last year, was based at the scout camp just outside Paisley.

A handful of us turned up early, so the first couple of days was setting up, and a trip in to Largs for the day, like last year (partly to waste loads of 2p coins in the arcade).  Then it was the event proper...

Only flew an Estes Rampage on a C6-5. This was a kit that I'd won in a raffle somewhere. Flew pretty well and drifted a fair way, but was found OK.

Just spectating.

Flew the Rogue Aerospace Interdictor spaceplane on a C6-5. This is one of my favourite kits, but sadly is now out of production, so I'd rather not lose it. There are pdf plans available though.

Next up was another flight of my old L2 cert rocket, the Rebel Pirate on a Pro38 I285-10 (Classic). This must have just caught on the rail a bit, and part of the airframe was broken near the rail buttons. Flight was good though, and was easily found.
Finally, I had to do a flight of the Art Applewhite 7inch Saucer, on a D12-0 again. These are such simple kits, can fly in any weather, and prep time is minimal.

Just spectating again.

For the first time in years, the Estes Black Brant flew, again on a D12-7. This used to be my most flown rocket until that record was taken by Art Applewhite kits. The nozzle ejected, though, so the thrust was very low, but since the Black Brant weighs so little, it actually flew and landed safely.

The Rogue Aerospace Interdictor got another outing on a C6-5, but this time the shockcord snapped.  The nosecone and streamer landed about 100m away, and was found very easily, but the main body tumbled down end over end and was lost... or so we thought. Eventually it was found about 2 hours later, so will be fixed and flown again :)
Since I had 1 spare D12-0, I decided to fly the Art Applewhite Saucer again, which as usual was a good flight.
After that, it was time for the traditional camp fire and BBQ.  Another ace inferno :) and another ace BBQ :)

Home time.

More pics can be seen here...