Thursday 5 November 2009

Karmic Koala

Just some initial thoughts about Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, whilst I am installing and checking it out.

Netbook Remix version
Running on an Asus eeePC 901, currently running as a Live SD card.

- It looks pretty
- Black theme is better than brown
- NBR desktop looks much better than Jaunty version
- WiFi connected rapidly
- Sound level is correct out of the box (not need to frig PulseAudio)
- Audio buttons work
- Screen brightness works
- Files, new packages etc. are persistent on the Live SD

Don't Like:
- Software Centre (n00bs might like it, but I don't)
- Empathy does do IRC, but is really really bad (I had to RTFM!)
- Daft border to the notification bubble (flickers if you hit volume up many times for example)

- Managed to corrupt/crash the NBR desktop
- When desktop corrupted need to power off
- Had to force WiFi reconnection after reboot

64-bit version
Running on an AMD X2 3800+ with Nvidia 6600 (fanless) graphics

- Better set of defaults in Software Sources (no need to add restricted extras)
- Fast boot (40s + BIOS activity), even faster shutdown (5s to be off)
- Firefox is faster than in Jaunty (and seems more stable)

Don't Like:
- Slightly jumpy sound when logging in (may be disc busy?)
- Empathy is bad. Real Bad.
- Ubuntu one is flaky, so added Dropbox (don't care about tomboy/evolution).

- Doesn't install to MacBook properly - fatal grub2 issues.

Will be updating this post as I check out each feature, and try all the packages.