Wednesday 7 October 2009

ALRS 2009

First weekend in October was my 6th (I think) trip to the ALRS rocket event in Switzerland. This was the 10th ALRS event in Val de Ruz, in the Jura just up the hill from Neuchatel.

Saturday was very sunny, and virtually no wind, so I flew the Tiny Pterodactyl (its 2nd flight) on an Aerotech F52-8T. It was debatable whether a 5s or 8s delay was best but it turned out that 8s was spot one. Flight was perfect, and it drifted right back to where we were standing. Then decided to fly the Art Applewhite Saucer (7inch) on an E30, which was certainly a crowd pleaser :) Landed about 50m away.

Sunday was a bit breezy, but I had to use up an Aerotech I218-R (Redline) motor. So that went in my Rebel Pirate. They are nice punchy little motors and the red flame looks cool too. Rocket landed about 500m away, which was not too bad.

Over the weekend, there were at least 5 Level 3 cert attempts, and I believe 4 successes.

Highlight was the 85kg Ariane 4 launching again on M1939 in the main stage, then 2x K550 and 2x J350 in the 4 boosters. The 4 boosters separate at burnout and the whole thing comes down in 6 parts on 6 chutes. Very impressive to see.

All pics can be seen here: