Sunday 10 May 2009

MTB Slovenia 2009

Day 1 - Ljubljana and Drežnica
The first night was just a stopover in Ljubljana, then in the morning had a short walk around the city centre. Very touristy, and most places shut due to public holiday, but all the bars/cafes were open. Then we drove to Kobarid in the Soča valley and up the mountain to Drežnica where the guesthouse was. Unpacked and rebuilt the bikes, and did a short ride up to Slap Krampež waterfall just to make sure everything was fine.

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

Day 2 - Bovec Moznica Trail
The first proper riding day. Drove up the valley to Bovec (ski resort in winter), and then rode up the Soča and Moznica valleys. Stopped off at Fort Kluže on the way, and then did a nice rooty piece of singletrack back down to the river. Was pretty warm and sunny all day. The Soča River really is a strange turquoise colour.

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

Day 3 - Drežnica Singletrack
Did a shorter route on the 2nd riding day. Quite steep on the way up, all on gravel track, then down a rocky bit of singletrack that didn't really allow any flow.

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

Day 4 - Slap Kozjak
A day off from riding, and transfer day to Prevalje. Took a quick detour to the Slap Kozjak waterfall. The end part of the walk, just as you approach the waterfall is strange, almost like being in a platform+ladders computer game. Waterfall was very impressive.

Day 5 - Jamnica
On the first day in Jamnica, the guesthouse owner recommended us a 21km round trip around the mountain. The views were amazing, and often right next to the Austrian border. The last part was fast downhill gravel track right back to the guest house.

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

Day 6 - Jamnica - Mežica
Last riding day was in 2 parts. Firstly was a long fast downhill right to the valley, then up and over the hill to Mežica, passing right alongside the Austrian border again. In the afternoon we went on a guided tour through an old Lead ore mine. They drive you and the bikes from Mežica to Igrčevo a few km away, then you ride underground about 6km back to the start in Mežica. Quite cold down there (10c underground, 22c above ground).

Map created by EveryTrail:GPS Geotagging

Where we stayed:

Recommended MTB Guidebooks:

Recommended eating places:
  • Idrsko (near Kobarid) - Jazbec
  • Tolmin - Pension Rutar
  • Prevalje - Gostilna Rupar
